2012年8月5日 星期日

Poland 2008 65th Anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Silver Proof

二次大戰期間, 納粹黨在1940年11月在華沙市中心設立貧民區,迫使超過40萬猶太人過着非人生活。


經過三個星期的戰鬥,起義份子被打敗, 而被圍捕的起義領導人們,其中大多數是自殺,當中包括,Mordechai Anilewicz。

及後納粹黨剷平貧民窟,並炸毀了城市中主要的猶太教堂, 以示象徵納粹黨的勝利。在貧民窟中的50至60萬人, 當中約有七萬被炸死或活活燒死在戰鬥中,約50萬被運往特雷布林卡集中營。

這幣於 2008 年發行, 以紀念華沙猶太人起義65週年。

Coin Specification :

Country : Poland
Year : 2008
Face Value : 20 ZI
Metal : Silver
Purity : .925
Weight : 28.28g
Diameter : 38.61mm
Quality : Proof
Mintage : 140,000

5 則留言:

4eyeman 提到...

To: Silver Era

The picture of silver coin "Poland 2008 65th Anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Silver Proof" is very attractive.

I have interest to buy it, would you mind telling where to buy it?

Thank you very much.
Mr. Lau

DC 提到...

Hi Mr. Lau,

Thank for your appreciation of the coin. Are u a new comer of a silver bug? To be honest, the Poland coin just for my collecting interest. I'm not sure if there is any value added in the future. However, if you don't seek for investment return, you're able to find such coin from "Evil Bay". Enjoy it! :)

4eyeman 提到...

To: Silver Era

Thank you very much.

I have just followed your steps to buy the silver coin of 五"台山·文殊菩萨"

I just like the coins I bought, I don't care the future return.

Best regards

Mr. Lau

SilverCentury 提到...

睇DC你的博真係獲益良多, 可以欣賞靚的收藏幣, 又可以學到歷史.

DC 提到...

回 SilverCentury,

沒有獲益良多咁誇張。只是我喜歡了解幣上的主題,背景而已。分享幣之餘, 順道介紹一下。 :)